Markets have long been acknowledged to be a superior mechanism for managing resources but until the advent of big data, they largely functioned better in theory than in practice. Now, as ideal markets are within reach because of vastly greater access to information, we are on the verge of a major disruption. As data becomes a more valuable asset than cash, the rules for surviving and thriving a…
The catastrophic business failures of this decade have been revealing on many levels. From my professional perspective as a forensic accounting investigator, I couldn’t help but notice the need across much of the business community for a better grasp of the scope and skills of the forensic accounting investigator. Most people seemed to be struggling. How could these massive frauds have oc…
The Tenth Edition of Advanced Financial Accounting is an up-to-date, comprehensive, and highly illustrated presentation of the accounting and reporting principles and proce- dures used in a variety of business entities. Every day, the business press carries stories about the merger and acquisition mania, the complexities of modern business entities, new organizational structures for conduct…
The first three chapters are concerned with the perspectives necessary to understand the relationship between communication and organizations. Chapter 1 grounds the text in current and future changes, explains the transactional communication perceptive, and offers a systems perspective as a viable means for understanding organizations. Chapter 2 links perception with understanding communic…
Jurnal Kajian Teknologi, Vol. 6 No. 2, Nopember 2004 contains of: * Energy conservations's strategies in buildings : a case study of Jakarta - Tri Harso Karyono, pp. 87-96 * Analisis tingkat kebisingan pada wilayah pelayanan pedestrian di daerah Tarikan (studi kasus kota Mataram) - Ida Ayu Oka Suwati Sideman, pp. 97-105 * Better understanding of waste, their causes and the need of training i…
CommIT (Communication and Information Technology) Journal, Vol. 4 No.2, Oktober 2010 berisi: * Perancangan rencana strategis sistem informasi dan teknologi informasi (SI/TI): Studi kasus STMIK XYZ - Maryani, Suparto Darudiato, pp. 77-85 * Kajian tentang perkembangan E-Business terhadap praktik bisnis - Herman, Yakub, pp. 86-89 * Perancangan prototype aplikasi knowledge management pada divisi…