The Extensible Markup Language (XML) module introduces various concepts related XML schemas, Extensible Style Sheet Language Transformations (XSLT), and XPath the students. In addition, this module explains how to create well-formed and valid XM documents. Finally, it discusses the methods to format XML documents by using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and XSLT. Rationale Data interchange i…
ASP.NET provides a unified Web development model, which includes the services the creating websites easily and quickly. This module discusses features such as p and themes, which enable the developers to create pages that are me offer a richer experience to the users. It also discusses how to implement AJAX functionality in the websites to enable partial page rendering. It also discusses how to…
The preceding figure depicts a setup in which four computers and a printer are connected in a network. All the computers can execute their printing tasks through a single printer without investing on individual printers for every computer. The need for connecting computers to form computer networks arose due to increase in the business requirements for sharing, processing, and distributing i…
The course Object-Oriented Programming Using C# introduces you to the implementation of object-oriented concepts using C# language. In addition, this course introduces implementation of various programming concepts, such as threads, file handling. delegates, and attributes using C#. The course also builds skills to develop console-based applications using VC#.NET. In addition, the course also p…
Table of contents: 1. Information Search and Analysis Skills - Introduction to ISAS Seminar - The Problem of information - Sources of Information - Information Search on the Internet - Guidelines for Searching Information on the Net - Information and Society - The ISAS-Seminar Course and Paperback Publications - Data, Information and Knowledge - Why Should We Become Information Sensit…