Stress Analysis of Thin-Walled Laminated Composite Beams under Shear and Torsion Jaffar Syed Mohammed Ali, Meftah Hrairi, Masturah Mohamad 9-17 Fabrication, Mechanical Characterization and Interfacial Properties of Okra Fiber Reinforced Polypropylene Composites A.N.M. Masudur Rahman, Shah Alimuzzaman, Ruhul Amin Khan, Md. Ershad Khan, Sheikh Nazmul Hoque 18-31 Investigation of Effec…
Statistical Monitoring and Optimization of Electrochemical Machining using Shewhart Charts and Response Surface Methodology Ahmed Maged, Salah Haridy, Mohammad Shamsuzzaman, Imad Alsyouf, Roubi Zaied 68-77 Modelling and optimization of Chromium Powder Mixed EDM Parameter Effect Over the Surface Characteristics by Response Surface Methodology Approach Nor Ain Binti Jamil Hosni, Mohd Amri B…
1. Experimental Study of Heat Transfer Enhancement through a Tube with Wire-Coil Inserts at Low Turbulent Reynolds Number - Mohammad Zoynal Abedin, M. A. Rashid Sarkar 2. Development of Non-Contact Liquid Level Measurement and Data Storage System - Muhammad Mahbubur Rashid, Abdullah Al Mamun, Abdul Hassan Jaafar, Md. Sajib Mollik 3. Failure Analysis of Stainless Steel Lanyard Wire Rope - …
Mata kuliah interaksi manusia dan komputer atau IMK merupakan sebuah mata kuliah wajib di berbagai perguruan tinggi rumpun informatika. Sayangnya, tidak banyak literatur berbahasa Indonesia yang tersedia di pasaran. Karenanya, buku ini dibuat untuk memberi kelengkapan sekaligus referensi dalam proses belajar mengajar mata kuliah IMK, khususnya bagi para akademis di Perguruan Tinggi rumpun infor…
This book is written with the express purpose of introducing students to the international dimensions of accounting, financial reporting, and financial control. The world in which they will pursue their professional careers is a world dominated by global business and cross-border investing. As these activities require decisions premised on financial data, a knowledge of international accoun…
This text was developed over many years while teaching the graduate course in mul- tivariate analysis in the Department of Statistics, University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign. Its goal is to teach the basic mathematical grounding that Ph. D. stu- dents need for future research, as well as cover the important multivariate techniques useful to statisticians in general.
This edition has several major changes, and I would like to mention those first. There are two new chapters (15 and 16) on two very important topics. Chapter 15 on the Hierarchical Linear Model was written by Dr. Natasha Beretvas of the University of Texas at Austin. This model deals with correlated observations, which occur very fre quently in social science research. The general linear …
There were two primary goals for this book. The first one was to present the recent methodological advances on integrating meta-analysis and SEM—the SEM-based meta-analysis (using SEM to conducting meta-analysis) and meta-analytic struc- tural equation modeling (conducting meta-analysis on correlation matrices for the purpose of fitting structural equation models on the pooled correlation…
Structural equation modeling (SEM) is a general, cross-sectional statistical modeling technique. The chapters in this book propose a Bayesian approach based on SEM; an examination of predictors and outcomes related to school climate using latent class analysis and the testing of specific effects and contrasts in three types of mediation models followed by a discussion on the common types o…