buku organisasi komputer kelima ini mengupas organisasi komputer secara lengkap dan menyeluruh. materi utama yang dibahas adalah prinsip perancangan hardware dan pengaruh persyaratan software pada desain hardware. buku ini sangat tepat untuk mahasiswa teknik elektronika dan komputer serta para spesialis dibidang ilmu komputer yang ingin mempelajari dasar-dasar organisasi komputer
Mobil Computing: Implementing Pervasive Information and Communication Technologies is designed to address some of the business and technical challenges of pervasive computing that encompass current and emerging technology standards, infrastructures and architectures, and innovative and high impact applications of mobile technologies in virtual enterprises. The various articles examine a host of…
Learning Architecture Based on Collaborative Constructivism (LACC) Introduction Broadly, almost all teaching-learning interactions/modes can be classified as one of the following: Interactions, where the teacher or external resource creates the learning experience Interactions, where the teacher or external resource creates or constructs the learning, in collaboration with the learn…
Some characters, such as the greater than (2), less than (2), and ampersand (6) Somacters, have a special meaning, when lod in HTML code. For example, the and characters are treated as the opening and closing brackets for HTML tags. Therefored then these characters are used in the content on a Web page, they may be interpreted as tag brackets, instead of less than and greater than symbols. Such…