Multiple Regression and Beyond is designed to provide a conceptually oriented introduction to multiple regression along with more complex methods that fl ow naturally from multiple regres- sion: path analysis, confi rmatory factor analysis, and structural equation modeling. Multiple regression (MR) and related methods have become indispensable tools for modern social science researchers. MR…
It’s not often in life that you get three chances at something. Thus, it was a privilege for me to write the third edition of this book. This edition builds on the strengths of the second by presenting structural equation modeling (SEM) in a clear, accessible way for readers without extensive quantitative backgrounds. Many new examples of the applica- tion of SEM to actual research proble…
This book presents a basic introduction to structural equation modeling (SEM). Readers will find that we have followed our tradition of keeping examples rudi- mentary and easy to follow. The reader is provided with a review of correlation and covariance, followed by multiple regression, path, and factor analysis in order to better understand the building blocks of SEM. We then describe the …
Buku pemodelan persamaan struktural (SEM) dari Barbara Byrne ini meninjau konsep dasar dan aplikasi SEM menggunakan Mplus Versi 5 & 6. Penulis meninjau aplikasi SEM berdasarkan data aktual yang diambil dari penelitiannya sendiri. Menggunakan bahasa non-matematika, ini ditulis untuk pengguna SEM pemula. Dengan setiap bab aplikasi, penulis "menuntun" pembaca melalui semua langkah yang terlibat da…