You no longer need to work nine-to-five for a big company to pay the mortgage, send your kids to school and afford that yearly holiday. You can quit the rat race and start up on your own - and you don't need an MBA or a huge investment to do it.
Jurnal PPT & PENGEMBANGAN DAN PENERAPAN TEKNOLOGI , Vol. VII ,NO.2 , Desember 2009 , Berisi : *Editorial *Live load analysis on main tribune frames of the harapan bangsa stadium teuku edisah putra, Mechanical engineering Department - engineering Faculty syiah kuala university *Optimasi waktu proses pencampuran bahan butiran padat dalam screw mixer faleh setia budi, M. djaeni , dan istadi , t…
Jurnal Ilmiah FASILKOM, Volume VI/No.2/Desember/2017 berisi: - Sistem informasi e-learning pada SMA Negeri 40 Jakarta menggunakandreamweaver, MySQL dan PHP - Achmad Sumbaryadi, Dian Gustina, Eko Susilo - Redesign IT network infrastructure menggunakan metode NDLC sebagai pondasi awal pembangunan system informasi di PT XYZ Jakarta - Handy Noviyarto - Rancang bangun aplikasi game edukasi puzzle…