Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Lampung, Vol 4, No. 1 Maret 2007, berisi : * UKM, krisis ekonomi dan pembangunan daerah, - Ahmad Rifa[i dan deddy Aprilani * Analisis kandungan pati dan komponen hasil beberapa varietas ubikayu,- Ratna wylis arief dan robet asnawi *pengolahan dan tingkat penggunaan kepala udang sebagai sumber asam amino pembatas untuk pakan ternak ruminansia ,-MUhtarudin *Peningka…
Helping students become better-informed consumers, particularly as this relates to food and nutrition, is the foundation of nutrition for healthy living. this major theme flows throughout the textbook by providing students with practical information, critical thinking skills, an the scientific foundation needed to make better-informed choices about their diet and health. by reading nutrition …