Entitas negara hampir selalu mewarnai kajian politik, bahkan kajian tengang negara setua ilmu politik itu sendir. Selain itu dalam kajian politik, terdapat keterkaitan yang sangat erat antara entitas negara dan civil society, terutama dalam mewujudkan kehidupan politik yang demokratis. Hal tersebut sangat menarik sebagai pemahaman dasar mempelajari ilmu politik, karena dapat diketahui bahwa sal…
Proceedings International Conference: Culture, Society, Technology and Urban Development in Nusantara by Faculty of Engineering University of Pembangunan Panca Budi in Brastagi , Oktober 2012. CONTENTS 1. A PRELIMINARY STUDY ON BUILDING DESIGN FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO BUILDING SAFETY AND HEALTH PERFORMANCE OF APARTMENT BUILDINGS IN MALAYSIA - Azuin Ramli, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zainal AbidinAkas…
After developing for thirty years as a movement in the arts, after being disputed and celebrated, Post-Modernism has become an integral part of the cultural landscape. In this witty overview, Charles Jencks, the first to write a book defining the subject, argues that the movement is one more reaction from within modernism critical of its shortcomings. The unintended consequences of modernisatio…
Known for its clear narrative voice and impeccable scholarship, Alan Brinkley's best-selling program for the U.S. survey course invites students to think critically about the many forces that continually create the Unfinished Nation that is the United States. In a concise but wide-ranging narrative, Brinkley shows the diversity and complexity of the nation and our understanding of its history--…
Buku ini memuat upaya menggali kembali Sistem Politik Indonesia agar memiliki kapabilitas yang tinggi dan menghadirkan sistem politik yang efektif dengan menggunakan perspektif dasar filosofi politik khas Indonesia (Pancasila dan UUD 1945) dan dengan menggunakan perspektif teori politik barat. Dengan melalui dua perspektif tersebut, penulis menemukan enam kesimpulan utama, yaitu (1) pentingnya …
Jurnal Bina Praja, Journal of Home Affairs Governance, Volume 10 Issue 2, November 2018 berisi : *The role of NGOs as civil society in corruption eradication in north bengkulu regency ,- Halilul khairi pp 159-168 *Capturing social capital through bandung city community index Arrangement and development ,- wiedy yang essa pp 169-181 *Consumers perception and frequency of visit before and afte…