This book is about human resource management (HRM). Each of the 50 essays or ‘key concepts’ that comprise the core of the book says something significant about what HRM is, has been, and is becoming. This introduction gives context to the concepts discussed in this book by giving a brief definition of HRM as a concept and by highlighting some of the current debates in the combined fiel…
In preparing the thirteenth edition of the book, we have extensively reviewed the aca- demic, governmental, and practitioner litera- ture published since the last revision. Further, we have asked academics and practitioners, both those who use this book and those who do not, to provide input on the previous edi- tion and what coverage should be added, deleted, or changed. We have always…
Since the first edition of this book the role and function of human resource manage- ment within organisations have become more complex and the issues and policies which have become associated with it have multiplied considerably. The continuing devolvement of HRM functions to line managers has had some commentators predicting the death of the personnel/HRM department and in the second edit…
The sailing crew on the cover faces many of the same goals and challenges as any orga- nization in our unpredictable business environment. Success and possibly survival depend on a well designed boat with a carefully selected and thoroughly trained crew that understands the strategy of the race. They must be able to quickly adjust the sails, rigging, and rudder to keep moving forward and so…