CommIT (Communication and Information Technology) Journal, Vol. 4 No. 1, Mei 2010, Berisi : *Perancangan program aplikasi pembelian PT indo Taichen Textile industry (The design of purchasing application program at PT indo taichan industry,- Yakub: shirly Hermanto pp 1-11 *sistem informasi akuntansi dalam penyajian audit financial report dengan menggunakan computer assisted audit techniques (C…
Jurnal Sistem Informasi , Vol. 8, Issue. 2 , October 2012, Berisi : *Information system as a service: Issues and Challenges ,- Muhammad Hilman pp 71 *Model keberhasilan dan keberlangsungan kinerja terbaik (MK3T) sistem informasi studi kasus: Sistem informasi e-audit di badan pemeriska keuangan RI ,- Nurochman, Yonanes Bandung , dan John Welly pp 78 *Supply Chain management berbasis layanan …
CommIT (Communication and Information Technology) Journal, Vol. 4 No.2, Oktober 2010 berisi: * Perancangan rencana strategis sistem informasi dan teknologi informasi (SI/TI): Studi kasus STMIK XYZ - Maryani, Suparto Darudiato, pp. 77-85 * Kajian tentang perkembangan E-Business terhadap praktik bisnis - Herman, Yakub, pp. 86-89 * Perancangan prototype aplikasi knowledge management pada divisi…
Jurnal Sistem Informasi , Vol.9 No.1, April 2013 berisi: 1. Framework for fast building software requirements specification - Pongkilit Singchai and Wanchai Rivepiboon, pp. 1 2. E-learning user interface acceptance based on analysis of user's style usability, and user benefits - Ramadiani, Rodziah binti Atan, pp. 6 3. A study on Cloud Computing adoption in E-business - H.S Lim and Wahidah H…
Jurnal Sistem Informasi , Vol.8 No.1, April 2012 , Berisi : *Model Pengukuran Konstruks adopsi inovasi E-Learning ,- I made Suarta dan I ketut Suwintana pp 1 *Comparative stdy of ERP implementation Methodology, case study: Accelerated SAP vs Dantes &Hasibuan Methodology ,- M. Hilman, F. Setiadi, I. Sarika, J. Sarika, J. Budiasto , And R. Alfian . *Analysis information system of inpatient bil…
Jurnal Sistem informasi , Vol.9 No.2 , October 2013, Berisi : *An IT2FS model for sharia credit scoring: Analysis dan design ,-Galih Kurniawan Sidik, Taufik Djatna, Agus Buono ,pp 58 *DEfining Knowledge management strategi in Indonesia government: Case study head office of badan kepegawaian negara,- Elin Cahyaningsih, Dieny Sukmiati, Nur Chasanah, Dana Indra Sensuse ,pp 67 hlm *DEvelopment o…