Di Ngata Toro, adat tumbuh dari tempat (mungku). Arsitektur Lobo adalah hasil dari pemikiran orang tua dan tetua adat dan untuk mendirikan tempat bermusyawarah. Dengan demikian, maka lobo merupakan bagian dari sarana dan prasarana adat untuk menemukan, merembugkan dan memutuskan ketentuan-ketentuan yang menjadi dasar hidup manusia, sebagai pembimbing, sebagai pembina dalam berkehidupan. Sehi…
Drawing on the knowledge and experience of working with hundreds the world's top social change leaders in all fields, Beverly Schwartz presents a model for change based on five proven principles that any individual leader or organization can apply to bring about deep, lasting and systematic change. Rippling shows how to activate the type of change that is needed to address the critical challeng…
Portfolio Construction and Analytics provides an up-to-date understanding of the analytic investment process for students and professionals alike. With complete and detailed coverage of portfolio analytics and modeling methods, this book is unique in its multi-disciplinary approach. Investment analytics involves the input of a variety of areas, and this guide provides the perspective of data ma…
Develop the qualities of strategic leadership and become an active contributor to the short- and long-term success of your organization Today's organizations face two daunting challenges: 1. How to create new sources of competitive advantage to sustain long-term growth, and 2. How to engage leaders at every level of the organization so that they are more proactive and forward-looking in their …
Sales and service are being radically redefined by the biggest communications revolution in human history. Today buyers are in charge! There is no more 'selling'―there is only buying. When potential customers have near perfect information on the web, it means salespeople must transform from authority to consultant, product narratives must tell a story, and businesses must be agile enough to r…
Visual Design for Online Learning spotlights the role that visual elements play in the online learning environment. Written for both new and experienced instructors, the book guides you in adding pedagogically relevant visual design elements that contribute to effective learning practices. The text builds upon three conceptual frameworks: active learning, multiple intelligences, and universal d…
Buku ini adalah buku yang berisi materi buku ajar pengantar akuntansi. Pengantar akuntansi adalah salah satu mata kuliah yang ada di fakultas ekonomi jurusan akuntansi, materi ini mempelajlari tentang dasar-dasar untuk membuat pembukuan baik untuk perusahaan jasa maupun perusahaan dagang. Tujuan dari buku ini adalah menjelaskan tentang bagaimana membuat laporan keuangan dari mulai membuat trans…
Buku ini berkisah tentang kehancuran Troy dan bagaimana nasib orang-orang Troy yang selamat.