CommIT (Communication and Information Technology) Journal, Vol. 4 No. 1, Mei 2010, Berisi : *Perancangan program aplikasi pembelian PT indo Taichen Textile industry (The design of purchasing application program at PT indo taichan industry,- Yakub: shirly Hermanto pp 1-11 *sistem informasi akuntansi dalam penyajian audit financial report dengan menggunakan computer assisted audit techniques (C…
Jurnal Sistem Informasi , Vol. 8, Issue. 2 , October 2012, Berisi : *Information system as a service: Issues and Challenges ,- Muhammad Hilman pp 71 *Model keberhasilan dan keberlangsungan kinerja terbaik (MK3T) sistem informasi studi kasus: Sistem informasi e-audit di badan pemeriska keuangan RI ,- Nurochman, Yonanes Bandung , dan John Welly pp 78 *Supply Chain management berbasis layanan …
Jurnal Ilmiah FIFO Forum Sistem Informasi, Volume VIII/No.1/Mei/2016 berisi: - Pengelolaan presensi dan gaji asisten lab berbasis web di Fasilkom Universitas Mercu Buana - Andi Nugroho, Retno Setya Wulandary, pp. 1-8 - Analisa pemiliha kualitas android jelly bean dengan menggunakan metode AHP Pendekatan MCDM - Dian Gustina, Rendi Haposan Siahaan, pp. 9-14 - Implementasi teknologi augmented r…
-Numerical investigation of maximum air entrainment into cylindrical louvered pipe, Sameer Ranjan Sahu and Dipti Prasad Mishra, 3278 -Resonance mode detuning in rotor systems employing active and passive magnetic bearings with controlled stiffness, G. Martynenko, 3293 -Single-zone zero-dimensional model study for diesel-fuelled homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) engines using Cant…
-Evaluating the Radiation and Temperature Effect on Photovoltaic Systems, Sobhan Dorahaki, 1-6 -Machine model based Speed Estimation Schemes for Speed Encoderless Induction Motor Drives: A Survey, Mohan Krishna.S, Febin Daya.J.L, 7-17 -Numerical Investigation of Heat Transfer Enhancement in a Circular Tube with Rectangular Opened Rings, Arkan Altaie, Moayed R. Hasan, Farhan Lafta Rashid, 18-2…
-Design and Development of a Control System for Nanofiber Electrospinning, Dayat Kurniawan,Purwoko Adhi,Muhammad Nasir, 65-74 -Design and Implementation of Battery Charger with Power Factor Correction using Sepic Converter and Full-bridge DC-DC Converter,Moh. Zaenal Efendi,Novie Ayub Windarko, Moh. Faisal Amir, 75-80 -The Performance of EEG-P300 Classification using Backpropagation Neural Net…
Jurnal Sistem Informasi MTI-UI, Volume 7 No. 1, April 2011 berisi: 1. Perancangan strategis sistem informasi: Studi kasus Direktorat Jenderal penyelenggara haji dan umrah Departemen Agama RI - Miftahul Maulana dan Dana Indra Sensuse, pp. 1 2. Analisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penerimaan pengguna dalam menggunakan sistem Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) dengan studi kasus PT XYZ - Yul…
IJEST (International Journal of Engineering Ssience and Technology Development), Vol. 1 No.1, April 2013 contains of: * Zinc-air-battery - powering electric vehicles to smart active labels - Raihan Othman and Hens Saputra, pp. 1 * Model development of children under mortality rate with group method of data handling - I. Lukman, M.N. Hassan, Noor Akma I, and M.N. Sulaiman, pp. 6 * Rapid proto…