Nonprofit Asset Management is a timely guide for managing endowment, foundation, and other nonprofit assets. Taking you through each phase of the process to create an elegant and simple framework for the prudent oversight of assets, this book covers setting investment objectives; investment policy; asset allocation strategies; investment manager selection; alternative asset classes; and how to …
This opening is designed to help you make a good decision about whether to read this book. writing a book about organizations is not like writing an international spy thriller, you can begin by describing the fog slowly rising off the river separating two Eastern European countries.
The tools of a digital age make it easier than ever to start a new business. And with billion-dollar IPOs and acquisitions making weekly headlines, the potential rewards are enormous. But even with all of the advantages and resources that today's entrepreneurs have access to, the likelihood of any one business succeeding is slim. That's why you need the simple, clear lessons found in The Agile …
Drawing on the knowledge and experience of working with hundreds the world's top social change leaders in all fields, Beverly Schwartz presents a model for change based on five proven principles that any individual leader or organization can apply to bring about deep, lasting and systematic change. Rippling shows how to activate the type of change that is needed to address the critical challeng…
Discover the breakthrough tool your company can use to make winning decisions This forward-thinking book addresses the emergence of predictive business analytics, how it can help redefine the way your organization operates, and many of the misconceptions that impede the adoption of this new management capability. Filled with case examples, Predictive Business Analytics defines ways in which spe…
Managers and professionals across the globe have embraced Primal Leadership, affirming the importance of emotionally intelligent leadership. Its influence has also reached well beyond the business world: the book and its ideas are now used routinely in universities, business and medical schools, and professional training programs, and by a growing legion of professional coaches. This refresh…
Dalam konteks Hukum Tata Negara (HTN), Hukum Pemerintahan Daerah merupakan bagian dari HTN yang mengatur kekuasaan atau wewenang organ-organ daerah, hubungan organ daerah satu sama lain dan mengatur juga hubungan antara organ pemerintah daerah dengan rakyat. Tujuan utama Hukum Pemerintahan Daerah adalah bagaimana mewujudkan kesejahteraan rakyat yang ada di daerah. Indonesia merupakan negara ya…
Buku ini merupakan salah satu upaya untuk memandu bagaimana meneliti berbagai fenomena maupun kasus di media siber. Membahas teori etnografi virtual, realitas (bduaya) di internet, isu-isu dalam riset etnografi visual, paradigma dalam riset etnografi virtual, bagaimana melakukan riset etnografi visual, serta contoh penggunaan etnografi isual
Komunikasi interpersonal dalam berbagai bentuknya pada dasarnya lebih bersifat alamiah. Oleh karena itu keberadaanya tidak bisa digantikan oleh bentuk-bentuk komunikasi secangih apapun. Meskipun perubahan komunikasi sudah berkembang begitu cepatnya terutama dibantu dengan berkembangnya teknologi komunikasi dan informasi, tetapu pada dasarnya orang akan lebih suka berkomunikasi langsung (tatap m…
Buku ini terdiri dari empat bagian: 1) Pengantar risiko dan enterprise risk management,2) Identifikasi dan pengukuran risiko,3) Manajemen risiko.Keempat bagian tersebut dijabarkan lebih lanjut ke dalam 20 bab.Pada bagian pertama,buku ini membahas kenapa risiko muncul,tipe-tipe risiko, langkah-langkah dalam manajemen risiko,manajemen risiko dalam konteks organisasi,elemen-elemen penting dala…