Kreativitas dan inovatif dua kata kunci yang wajib dipegang oleh para pelaku bisnis dalam mengahadapi tantangan persaingan global yang begitu keras. Perencanaan dalam menjalankan sebuah industri merupakan langkah awal sebagai penentu keberhasilan untuk menjalankan bisnisnya. Konsumen telah dimanjakan dengan berbagai pilihan pelayanan baik itu dalam bentuk produk maupun jasa karena terjadinya pe…
Buku kalkulus lanjut menjelaskan dan menguraikan tentang persamaan diferensial, integral lipat, transformasi laplace dan derete fourier dan integral fourier. topik ini sangat penting dalam menunjnag pengetahuan mahasiswa di fakultas MIPA, fakultas ilmu komputer maupun fakultas teknik. buku ini mencoba supaya inti sari buku dapat meningkatkan kemampuan matematis mahasiswa. bagian terbesar buku …
Buku ini akan memberikan Anda kombinasi yang tepat untuk kunci yang dijaga ketat itu. Anda akan belajar mengenai ide-ide, strategi, dan teknik tentang ilmu memengaruhi yang telah diciptakan selama lebih dari 40 tahun dalam industri pengembangan diri. Hal ini akan memungkinkan Anda untuk menghasilkan hasil yang luar biasa - hubungan pribadi yang lebih bahagia, penjualan yang meningkat, hubungan …
Gretchen Rubin's answer: through habits. Habits are the invisible architecture of everyday life. It takes work to make a habit, but once that habit is set, we can harness the energy of habits to build happier, stronger, more productive lives. So if habits are a key to change, then what we really need to know is: How do we change our habits? Better than Before answers that question. It p…
This book is about human resource management (HRM). Each of the 50 essays or ‘key concepts’ that comprise the core of the book says something significant about what HRM is, has been, and is becoming. This introduction gives context to the concepts discussed in this book by giving a brief definition of HRM as a concept and by highlighting some of the current debates in the combined fiel…
In preparing the thirteenth edition of the book, we have extensively reviewed the aca- demic, governmental, and practitioner litera- ture published since the last revision. Further, we have asked academics and practitioners, both those who use this book and those who do not, to provide input on the previous edi- tion and what coverage should be added, deleted, or changed. We have always…
Since the first edition of this book the role and function of human resource manage- ment within organisations have become more complex and the issues and policies which have become associated with it have multiplied considerably. The continuing devolvement of HRM functions to line managers has had some commentators predicting the death of the personnel/HRM department and in the second edit…
The sailing crew on the cover faces many of the same goals and challenges as any orga- nization in our unpredictable business environment. Success and possibly survival depend on a well designed boat with a carefully selected and thoroughly trained crew that understands the strategy of the race. They must be able to quickly adjust the sails, rigging, and rudder to keep moving forward and so…
Over the past hundred years or so, Organization Theory has developed into a distinctive social science discipline. It is a body of thinking and writing that describes, explains and influences what goes on in organizations. It provides an underpinning body of knowledge that enables us to explore and develop manage- ment and leadership theory. In recent decades Organization Theory has become …
Jurnal Ilmiah Perisai Universitas Muhammadiyah Lampung, Volume 1 Edisi 1, Maret 2005 berisi: * Media televisi dan penyalahgunaan Napza (Narkotika, Psikotropika dan Zat Adiktif lainnya) - Nina Yudha Aryanti * Konsep Islam dalam memerangi NAZA (Narkotika, Alkohol dan zat adiktif lainnya) - Irma Budiyartiningsih * Pro Kontra iklan media televisi - Irwan Amrullah * Etika Komunikasi Massa dalam …